Called and Gifted discernment process presented in Philippines by diocesan mission team

Leaders of the Called and Gifted mission team from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon stand with some of the local residents after the presentation of the Called and Gifted introductory workshop in Tagaytay City, Phillipines. (Submitted photo, Catholic Saskatoon News)

By Cameron Choquette, Called and Gifted mission team

The members of the Called and Gifted mission team from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon recently completed their first workshop in Tagaytay City in the Philippines.

Over 35 community members, lay disciples, and missionaries from the Verbum Dei community participated in the Called and Gifted Discernment Process from the Catherine of Siena Institute.

The Called and Gifted™ Discernment Process from the Catherine of Siena Institute is designed to help Christians discern the presence of charisms (God’s gifts) in their lives, and to determine how they are being called to use those gifts to build up God’s kingdom.

March 22, 2025 – Introductory workshop for Called and Gifted will be hosted by The Cathedral of the Holy Family in Saskatoon: LINK

The initial stage of the discernment process is a day-long workshop, followed by a one-on-one interview with a trained interviewer. The mission team has completed all the participant interviews and will co-lead small group meetings with participants over the next eight weeks.

“Participants have shared such positive feedback about the discernment process and are eager to start experimenting with their potential charisms”, stated Sr. Malou Tabayan of the Verbum Dei Missionary Fraternity, who is coordinating the diocesan Called and Gifted mission trip.

“It’s such an honour to introduce the discernment process to a new country that is eager for faith formation,” she said.

The mission team then travelled to Pasig, where they led another workshop for 40 Verbum Dei disciples and missionaries.

The mission trip has been made possible with the support of the Diocese of Saskatoon Catholic Foundation, Holy Family Cathedral Simbang Gabi Committee, the Saskatoon Filipino community, and everyone who contributed generously to sponsor participants for the discernment process.

Mission team members include Astrid Alas, Anne Williams, Jim and Brenda Tryhuba, Sr. Malou Tabayan, and Cameron Choquette.

Called and Gifted mission team members (l-r) Cameron Choquette, Anne Williams, Sr. Malou Tibayan, Astrid Alas, and Brenda and Jim Tryhuba before leaving Tagaytay City for Pasig to present another introductory workshop in the Philippines. (Submitted photo, Catholic Saskatoon News)


Team requests prayers for mission trip to the Philippines – ARTICLE

Pope Francis speaks about charisms ARTICLE

Called and Gifted – Rosetown workshopARTICLE

Called and Gifted introductory workshop held Oct. 3-4 in Saskatoon: ARTICLE

Reflection by Jane Korvemaker – LINK

Prayerful guidance of the Holy Spirit assists in discernment of charisms ARTICLE

For more information about the Called and Gifted program in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, contact Sr. Malou Tibayan at or (306) 659-5843 or see the pamphlet (PDF).


Called and Gifted, Adult Faith, Communications, and Catholic Saskatoon News are supported by gifts to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal: