The Called and Gifted™ Discernment Process from the Catherine of Siena Institute is designed to help Christians discern the presence of charisms (God’s gifts) in their lives. For more information about the Called and Gifted program in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, contact Sr. Malou Tibayan at or (306) 659-5843 or see the pamphlet (PDF).
By Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News
An introductory workshop for individual parishioners to learn what gifts the Holy Spirit has provided them with to build up God’s kingdom was held Nov. 8-9 at St. Augustine Parish, Humboldt, SK, with participants attending from throughout the area.
Called and Gifted leaders from Saskatoon led participants on an exploration of “charisms” and how they build up the Church, and then assisted each person to enter into a personal discernment about their own individual gifts from the Holy Spirit.
It was the third such workshop held in the diocese of Saskatoon this fall, which also included earlier sessions at the Cathedral of the Holy Family in Saskatoon and St. Theresa Parish in Rosetown, SK. Follow-up sessions are also part of the process, including personal interviews, and a “Discernment in Depth” series of sessions that provide a guided experience of discernment of charisms in a small group setting.
“All lay parishioners, priests and religious are invited to begin the journey of discerning the charisms/gifts God has given uniquely to each of us,” Called and Gifted team member Anne Williams says of the discernment process. “God has distributed His gifts in accordance with the purpose and plan He has for each one of us to share in the building up of His kingdom and His people. Whether in our homes, parishes or workplaces, these gifts are indispensable to our accomplishing His purposes.”
Several participants and leaders recently described the impact of the Humboldt workshop.
“As a small group leader and interviewer, it always touches my heart when I see participants grow in their relationships with God as He opens doors for them to use their charisms,” said Myrna Britz, of St. Peter Cathedral Parish in Muenster, SK, who serves as a Called and Gifted team member.
Participant Riah De Mesa said that the Called and Gifted process was truly a transformative experience. “It opened my eyes to a charism I never expected, revealing a gift I had overlooked and helping me reconnect with my true calling.”
Participant Michelle Pratchler also noted the impact: “My experience of the workshop was a confirmation to me that I am walking in the gifts that God has given me. It also revealed to me the gifts of others and to understand why they do what they do.”
“It is exciting, as a facilitator with the Called and Gifted workshop, to see people curious to know the charisms that God has given them, and wanting to use their charisms to bring the love of God to others,” said Called and Gifted team member Beatrice Frederick of Holy Trinity Parish, Pilger, SK.
Photo gallery:
Pope Francis speaks about charisms – ARTICLE
Called and Gifted – Rosetown workshop – ARTICLE
Called and Gifted introductory workshop held Oct. 3-4 in Saskatoon: ARTICLE
Reflection by Jane Korvemaker – LINK
Prayerful guidance of the Holy Spirit assists in discernment of charisms – ARTICLE
For more information about the Called and Gifted program in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, contact Sr. Malou Tibayan at or (306) 659-5843 or see the pamphlet (PDF).
Kiply Lukan Yaworski is the communications coordinator for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon –
Called and Gifted, Adult Faith Formation, Communications, and Catholic Saskatoon News are all supported by gifts to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal: