By Bishop Mark Hagemoen, Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon
As we approach the upcoming provincial and civic elections, and as all citizens are called to fulfill their responsibilities to inform themselves of the various issues, I am taking this opportunity to support members of our Catholic communities in their engagement with the electoral process, and encourage all to be informed regarding the major moral and social issues important to Catholics.
While no one political party can be promoted at any Catholic Church, it is certainly appropriate to make available the positions of all political parties to moral and social issues.
To this end, I would strongly promote making available the attached “Voting Like A Catholic” resource from the non-profit and non-partisan organization Catholic Conscience, which reflects on key issues not only for Catholics but for all citizens. It also includes a link to a resource comparing the various political parties’ published platforms with Catholic Social Teaching:
For Catholics, voting is not only a duty but involves ongoing education and formation. A key feature of carrying out one’s duty and responsibility to vote is to exercise and inform one’s conscience. This is particularly important because we are called to be voices that speak to virtue, healing and decency in politics and social engagement. We are also called to be mindful of both personal and community issues and goals – especially in terms of those who are unable to speak for themselves.
Provincial and Municipal Elections – LETTER from Bishop Mark Hagemoen (PDF)
Catholic Conscience provincial election platform comparision – LINK
“Voting Like a Catholic” PDF (EN) / <<Voter comme un catholique>> PDF (FR)