Testimonies reflect the impact of the Called and Gifted discernment of spiritual gifts

A Called and Gifted workshop in Humboldt in the fall of 2023: the powerful discernment process will be introduced at another such workshop to be held Feb. 2-3 in Saskatoon. (Photo by Sr. Malou Tibayan, Verbum Dei Missionary Fraternity)

The Called and Gifted™ Discernment Process from the Catherine of Siena Institute is designed to help Christians discern the presence of charisms in their lives. “Charisms, or spiritual gifts, are special abilities given to all Christians by the Holy Spirit to give them power both to represent Christ and to be a channel of God’s goodness for people.” – siena.org website.

Impact of Called and Gifted

By Myrna Britz, St. Peter Parish, Muenster

My story with the Called and Gifted experience started in September 2022 when I attended a workshop in Saskatoon. Little did I know that weekend was the beginning of a big change in my life. Experimenting with my charism and participating in a small group was so beneficial to me.

I then decided to take the Team Training in March 2023 and was able to utilize this training later that year. I helped with a Called & Gifted workshop, completed one-on-one interviews, and facilitated a small discernment group.

Working with this small group of people was greatly rewarding. Seeing each person grow and learn who they were and who they weren’t was truly amazing. As they gained clarity about their charism, they were given confirmation that God has a plan and purpose for each of them, that they matter to God. I am so humbled to be a part of this program. Seeing the Holy Spirit at work through this kind of growth truly glorifies God!

Other comments about the Called and Gifted process:

From participant Celeste Leray-Leicht: “I have taken several personality tests of various intensity. ‘Called and Gifted’ is akin to one but on a much deeper level that includes the most important aspects of one’s being – the spirit. It is a fascinating program that is facilitated by well-trained people. Highly recommend to people of all ages and especially to young adults who are struggling to choose a direction in life. Amazing program.”

From Paul and Mary Jane Revering: “The Called and Gifted Workshop is a ‘Stepping Stone’ or an ‘Opening of a Door’ for you personally. It is up to you (and if you are open to the Holy Spirit’s guidance) if you want to go further. The Interview forces you to stop your daily busyness and look inward at your talents, gifts, and possible charisms. Our facilitator and small group members were attentive and supportive. Positive feedback was given to each of us as we discussed our individual charism exercises and results.”

A bonus noted by Mary Jane: “By doing the Called and Gifted program with my spouse, it helped me to appreciate my spouse’s possible charisms and to be more supportive in his discernment. We also noticed that the charisms we are individually discerning, can be alternative charisms.”

Related: Called and Gifted presented at St Augustine Parish, Humboldt

“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire” – St. Catherine of Siena


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