Bishop Hagemoen’s message for Day of Prayer for Reverence for Life

Bishop Mark Hagemoen celebrated the Day of Prayer for Reverence for Life Jan. 28, presiding at Mass at the Cathedral of the Holy Family in Saskatoon on the Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time. (Screen capture image: Catholic Saskatoon News)

Sunday, Jan. 28 is the annual Day of Prayer for Reverence for Life in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon.

 Download the 2024 Message from Bishop Mark Hagemoen as a PDF

By Bishop Mark Hagemoen, Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon

Dear Clergy, Religious, and Lay Faithful of the Diocese of Saskatoon:

The day of prayer for Reverence for Life will be celebrated in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon on Sunday, January 28, 2024, providing our faith communities with an opportunity for prayers, reflection and discussion about the value of the precious gift of human life.

This past year has featured terrible conflicts in many parts of the world, including the terrible wars in Ukraine and the Middle East. I continue to hear from many that our current world affairs highlight both the fragility and strength of human life. In these times of reflecting on the prayer of St. Francis, “Lord, make me a channel of your peace,” we continue to hear this prayer in terms of the care of the vulnerable, and especially with regards to the protection and care for the unborn, our elders, and critically ill in our communities.


Canada continues to deal with the tragic repercussions of the removal of abortion from the Criminal Code. We now mark the 36th anniversary of the Supreme Court of Canada decision in the Morgentaler case on January 28, 1988, which removed all remaining restrictions on abortion in Canada. Incredibly applauded by many in our society, this moment in our nation’s history holds within it the tragic reality of millions of lost lives.

Victims of abortion include the unborn children who are killed, but also the mothers, fathers and families left wounded after an abortion. The community is also weakened and damaged as the weakest and most vulnerable among us are not valued and protected.

As the Canadian government continues to seek to expand access to doctor-assisted suicide, also known as Medical Aid in Dying or “MAiD” – the words of the Holy Father only a few years ago continue to ring prophetic:

The victims of this [throwaway] culture are precisely the weakest and most fragile human beings – the unborn, the poorest, the sick and elderly, the seriously handicapped, etc. – who are in danger of being ‘thrown away’, expelled from a system that must be efficient at all costs.”

(See: +Francis’ Address to a Delegation from the Dignitatus Humanae Institute, Dec. 7, 2013)

During the Papal visit to Canada on his “Penitential Pilgrimage” for healing and reconciliation in July 2022, Pope Francis called on all Canadians and people of good will to dream and work for a future that is able to see the God-given dignity of all peoples, and gain inspiration from Indigenous people’s cherishing of the relationship between elders and youth. On the feast day of Saints Joachim and Ann, he implored these grandparents of Our Lord to help us treasure the presence of our elders in order to create a better future:

“…a future in which the elderly are not cast aside because, from a ‘practical’ standpoint, they are ‘no longer useful’. A future that does not judge the value of people simply by what they can produce. A future that is not indifferent to the need of the aged to be cared for and listened to. A future in which the history of violence and marginalization suffered by our indigenous brothers and sisters is never repeated. That future is possible if, with God’s help, we do not sever the bond that joins us with those who have gone before us, and if we foster dialogue with those who will come after us. Young and old, grandparents and grandchildren, all together. Let us move forward together, and together, let us dream.”

(See +Francis’s presentation at Commonwealth Stadium, Edmonton, July 26, 2022.)

This statement reminds me of the Holy Father’s call several years ago to continue the steady work to turn our culture from one of convenience and short-sightedness, to a cultural movement that seeks – through good-will and honest reflection – the realization of a truly human culture.

(+Francis’s speech to Dignitatis Humanae Institute Dec. 7, 2013)



Pope Francis continually highlights that respect for creation and for human dignity are issues that are only realized together. As he states in his 2023 Apostolic Exhortation Laudate Deum:

Everything is connected …no one is saved alone” (#19)

“… our admiration at progress blinded us to the horror of its consequences. But that risk is always present, because “our immense technological development has not been accompanied by a development in human responsibility, values and conscience… We stand naked and exposed in the face of our ever-increasing power, lacking the wherewithal to control it.” (#24)

To recognize… that human life is incomprehensible and unsustainable without other creatures. As part of the universe… all of us are linked by unseen bonds and together form a kind of universal family, a sublime communion which fills us with a sacred, affectionate and humble respect.” (#67)

[See: Laudato Deum, October 4, 2023]

The Gospel’s moral and social teaching calls on all people of good will to bring to bear intellectual, social, and political consciousness on the blatant inconsistency that is affecting the well-being and flourishing of human cultures through our world. As Pope Francis states:

It is necessary to raise awareness and form the lay faithful, in whatever state, especially those engaged in the field of politics, so that they may think in accord with the Gospel and the social doctrine of the Church and act consistently by dialoguing and collaborating with those who, in sincerity and intellectual honesty, share – if not the faith – at least a similar vision of mankind and society and its ethical consequences.

(See: +Francis’ Address to a Delegation from the Dignitatus Humanae Institute, Dec. 7, 2013)

This effort is at the service of every person on the planet! If we do not engage in calling each other to a greater and fuller humanity, we should then not be surprised at the larger deterioration of a culture of human care and respect.


Current advances in science, genetics and embryology clearly show the distinct humanity of each unborn child, which comes into existence at conception. Each new, distinct human person shares the fundamental human right to life that we as Canadians celebrate and support on so many other fronts.

Failing to recognize that right has left our country damaged – not only in the missing and lost lives of millions of unborn children – but also in removing ‘the heart’ from our society. Devaluing human life at any age or stage has inexorably led to the legalization and growing acceptance in our country of euthanasia and assisted suicide: our lives seem to cease to have meaning and value as we face the fear of not being ‘useful’, or that we are a ‘problem’ to those on whom we rely for care.

The ‘loss of heart’ is also the root cause of so many other evils in our midst, including: discrimination, injustice and racism, violence, poverty and hunger, debilitating addiction. It also contributes to the problem of indifference towards those outside my own immediate circle of concern. The recovery of heart will be a very important feature in the coming times – as we work towards the goals of healing and reconciliation with Indigenous and all peoples. The recovery of heart must also contribute to finding true and lasting pathways for a true peace – not a superficial peace that removes us from caring for and being engaged with one another.

Sisters and brothers, let us respond to loss of heart by holding steady to the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: the Sacred Heart for our world. I bring you this message on the memorial of the first woman saint of Canada, St. Marguerite Bourgeoys (Jan. 12) – who dedicated her life and religious community to care and education children and youth of all races and creeds – especially those dealing with poverty and other disadvantages. Let us join in our common prayer for Reverence for Life on January 28, and throughout this year.

Sisters and Brothers, we pray that as a people and nation we may re-discover our heart!

Yours in Christ

Most Reverend Mark A. Hagemoen



“Nazareth” – painting by Michael O’Brien:  used with permission on the Reverence for Life prayer card, Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon


Almighty God, giver of all that is good,
we thank you for the precious gift of human life:
For life in the womb, coming from your creative power,
For the life of children, making us glad with their freshness and promise,
For the life of young people, hoping for a better world,
For the life of people who are disabled, teaching us that every life has value,
For the life of the elderly, witnessing to the ageless values of patience and wisdom.

Like Blessed Mary, may we always say “yes” to Your gift.
Help us to realize the sacredness of human life and to respect and cherish it from conception to its natural end.

And bring us at last, O Father, to the fullness of eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord.



Dieu Tout-Puissant, donateur de tout ce qui est bon, nous te remercions pour le don précieux de la vie humaine:

Pour la vie dans le sein maternel, provenant de ton pouvoir créatif,
Pour la vie des enfants, nous rendant heureux de leur fraîcheur et de leur promesse,
Pour la vie des jeunes, espérant pour un monde formidable,
Pour la vie des personnes qui sont handicapées, nous apprenant que toute vie a de la valeur,
Pour la vie des personnes âgées, témoignant des valeurs intemporelles de patience et de sagesse.

Comme la bienheureuse Marie, puissions-nous toujours dire “oui” à Ton don.

Aide-nous à réaliser le caractère sacré de la vie humaine, à la respecter et à la chérir de la conception à sa fin naturelle.
Et amène-nous enfin, ô Père, à la plénitude de la vie éternelle en Jésus-Christ notre Seigneur