Prairie pilgrimage season begins with celebration at Blumenfeld on Solemnity of Corpus Christi

Area priests Fr. Prince Sarpong (left), Fr. Francis Appiah-Kubi, and Fr. John Abban-Bonsu joined Bishop Mark Hagemoen to celebrate the annual pilgrimage with parishioners and visitors from throughout the Leader, Lancer, Liebenthal, Fox Valley, Richmound, Burstall and Prelate areas - and beyond - for the annual pilgrimage to Sts. Peter and Paul Church and Our Lady of Sorrows Grotto at Blumenfeld, SK. (Blumenfeld Pilgrimage photos by Crystal Bosch)

Photos by Crystal Bosch, Sacred Heart Parish, Liebenthal

Bishop Mark Hagemoen joins surrounding communities for annual pilgrimage to Sts. Peter and Paul Church and Our Lady of Sorrows Shrine

LIST of UPCOMING pilgrimages – LINK

By Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News

An annual pilgrimage to the church and shrine at Blumenfeld was held Sunday, June 11, 2023, on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi).

Pilgrimage highlights include the blessing of the graves in the church cemetery; devotions such as outdoor Stations of the Cross and the Rosary; a procession led by children scattering flower petals in procession before celebration of Mass; as well as opportunities for the sacrament of reconciliation; and social time to conclude the day.

“Celebrating the Mass at the annual Blumenfeld Pilgrimage on Corpus Christi Sunday was providential,” said Bishop Mark Hagemoen, who presided alongside area pastors Fr. Francis Appiah-Kubi (Fox Valley and Richmound) and Fr. Prince Sarpong (Leader, Lancer and Liebenthal), as well as Fr. John Abban-Bonsu (Kindersley, Eston, Marengo, Eatonia).

(Photo by Crystal Bosch)

“Although I had seen the site previously a few years ago, it was amazing to see the church, the grotto, and the entire site as it received pilgrims from the various areas of what was called the ‘St, Francis Colony’ – which now features the remaining (parish) communities from Fox Valley, Liebenthal, Richmound, Leader, and Lancer,” noted the bishop.

“The celebration of the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ reminds us that God gives us the gift of his very self to receive – to take and eat – so that we may be one with Him – in mind and heart. On Corpus Christi Sunday we also celebrate the privilege of being invited to share in giving His life to all.”

“It was amazing to see and recount the ways in which the fore-fathers and fore-mothers of the community gave of themselves for the life and faith of the families and communities of this area,” Bishop Hagemoen said.

“Especially impressive is the grotto to Our Lady of Sorrows – built in the 1930s during a very, very difficult time for the community, because of drought, depression, and developing war increasingly afflicting the world,” he said. “As an act of faith and petition – the community members travelled many miles away to pick up large river rocks to bring to the site to build the grotto – which to this day is a testimony of a heroic community’s act of faith and love for God and prayer for the care of His people.”

Our Lady of Sorrows Grotto at the Blumenfeld pilgrimage site was built in 1936. (Photo by Kendra Volk)

The church and pilgrimage site at Blumenfeld, SK is situated on a prominent ridge with a commanding view of the surrounding serene countryside and fields.

Located on the 10-acre site are the two-story, wood-framed church, Sts. Peter and Paul, built in 1915; a fieldstone grotto shrine, which features a replica “La Pieta” sculpture dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows, built in 1936; a cemetery that remains in use; a memorial cairn constructed to commemorate the church’s 50th anniversary; outdoor Stations of the Cross; and hedgerows separating the site from adjoining farm fields.


(Photo by Crystal Bosch)

The history of the 108-year-old Sts. Peter and Paul Church building includes contributions of parishioners through many decades, as well as the service and witness of Oblate priests and Ursuline sisters who served in the area.

Closed as an active parish in 1964, the Blumenfeld church has continued to serve as a gathering place for the region as the site of the annual pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of the Sorrows that began during the Great Depression.

A volunteer committee (with membership from many surrounding communities) cares for the pilgrimage site, accepting donations for the upkeep of the church building and site. The historic church and pilgrimage site is open to touring visitors from 2 to 4 p.m. on Sunday afternoons throughout the summer.

Related: Medicine Hat News article – LINK

Related: 2022 pilgrimage held at Blumenfeld historic church and shrine site

Related: Prairie pilgrimages list for 2023 (LINK)

(Fund-raising for the upkeep of the Blumenfeld church and pilgrimage site is ongoing. Donations can be sent to “Blumenfeld Heritage”, Box 104, Leader, SK S0N 1H0.)

Photo Gallery:


From the Archives:

2014 Video to mark Blumenfeld centennial in 2015:


[Kiply Lukan Yaworski is the communications coordinator for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon]