Courtesy of Saskatchewan Knights of Columbus
“No Greater Love Than to Serve” was the theme of the 100th State Convention of the Saskatchewan Knights of Columbus, held April 22- 24 — in person at the Saskatoon Inn, and also available virtually by Zoom— serving as a call for the Knights to hold fast to the Catholic principles around which the Catholic men’s order was founded 140 years ago.
It was a weekend of inspiration, acknowledgements, reports, elections, business, and celebration. State Deputy Joseph Riffel, the State Executive, and the delegates from around the province celebrated the past year’s successes and deliberated on how to better serve the Church and the community.
- Delegates to the convention passed several resolutions at the 100th Annual Convention:
That councils celebrate the beatification of the order’s founder, Blessed Michael McGivney, and continue to pray for a final miracle that will lead to his canonization and elevate him to full sainthood. - That councils and individual knights in Saskatchewan continue to assist the people of Ukraine by making a donation to the Knights of Columbus Supreme Ukrainian Solidarity Fund, and that Knights in Saskatchewan be encouraged to conduct a 9-day Novena for the consecration of Russa and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Also, the delegates adopted resolutions concerning:
- The Saskatchewan State Council encourage all councils and its more than 10,200 Brother Knights within the State and their families to consistently and ardently affirm our support and unwavering loyalty to Holy Father, Pope Francis, and to bishops and priests.
The State Council elected the following executive effective July 1, 2022: State Deputy – Larry Packet of Davidson; State Secretary – Marte Clemente Nogot of Saskatoon; State Treasurer – Greg Dozorec of Regina, State Advocate – Agnel George of Regina, State Warden – Dale Meier of Saskatoon.
Joe Riffel of Saskatoon will continue on the executive as Immediate Past State Deputy.
Newly elected State Deputy Larry Packet announced the following appointment: State Chaplain Father Ed Gibney.

State Deputy Larry Packet and his wife Judi, of Sacred Heart Parish, Davidson
State Deputy Elect Packet joined the Knights of Columbus in 1991 as a member of Lafleche council, transferring to Davidson in 1996. He has served on the executive, including four years as Grand Knight, and time as District Deputy. In 2010 he also joined the organization’s Fourth Degree order. His service has included Special Olympics committee work, and a trip to Costa Rica to deliver wheelchairs.
Message from State Deputy: LINK
Awards were presented during the convention: SUMMARY
Memorial Mass – Slide Show honouring members who have died 2021-22: LINK