By Kiply Lukan Yaworski
Bishop Mark Hagemoen ordained diocesan seminarian Luke Tran Van Tam to the transitional diaconate April 19, 2024 in a joyful celebration at St. Mary Parish in Saskatoon, where he has been serving his pastoral year. It is another step on his journey of discernment to priestly ordination.
Luke Tran Van Tam was born April 30, 1987 in Việt Nam and came to Canada on July 19, 2017 in order to discern the vocation of priesthood for the diocese of Saskatoon. He was accepted as a diocesan seminarian of Saskatoon in July 2018, and has been studying at the Seminary of Christ the King in Mission, B.C. until his pastoral year at St. Mary Parish in Saskatoon, which began in the summer of 2023.
In advancing to the Sacred Order of Deacons, he is called to assist in “the ministries of the Word, of the altar and of charity, showing himself to be a servant of all,” cited the bishop in the homily during the evening celebration.
“As a minister of the altar, he will proclaim the Gospel, prepare the sacrifice, and distribute the Body and Blood of the Lord to the faithful,” the bishop said. Other duties of a deacon include preaching, presiding over public prayer, administering baptism, assisting at and blessing marriages, bringing Viaticum to the dying and conducting funeral rites.
“Serve others as you would serve the Lord,” exhorted the bishop, before calling the new deacon to exercise witness, service and sacrifice.
“Let us also be inspired by Pope Francis’s prophetic emphasis on the call to holiness,” the bishop added. “If we are going to call others to holiness, we need to always seek this way for ourselves.”
Quoting Pope Francis’ message Gaudete et Exsultate, the bishop continued: “Do not be afraid of holiness. It will take away none of your energy, vitality or joy. On the contrary, you will become what the Father had in mind when he created you, and you will be faithful to your deepest self. To depend on God sets us free from every form of enslavement and leads us to recognize our great dignity.” (GE 32)
In conclusion, Hagemoen pointed to the “remarkable privilege and duty to make real and present to the world the powerful, healing, life-giving presence of the Saviour who has walked with us, has suffered and died, and now is risen. He calls us beyond our incompleteness and pain, to a new promise and reality – indeed, new hope for the world!”
During the ordination rite, Luke Tran Van Tam promised to discharge the office of the diaconate “with humble charity,” to “hold fast to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience,” and “to proclaim this faith by word and deed according to the Gospel and the Church’s tradition.” He also resolved to “keep the commitment of celibacy perpetually,” and “to guard and increase the spirit of prayer,” as well as to conform his life “always to be an example of Christ.” In addition, he promised obedience to the bishop and his successors.
As Luke lay down on the floor before the altar, all those assembled joined in praying the Litany of the Saints, followed by the laying on of hands and prayer of ordination by the bishop. Fr. Hoang Nguyen then assisted in vesting the new deacon with the stole and dalmatic of the deacon’s office.
Finally, the bishop handed on the Book of the Gospels to the new deacon, before celebrating the Liturgy of the Eucharist, with the new deacon assisting at the altar.
At the conclusion of the Mass, which was being live-streamed, Bishop Mark Hagemoen asked Fr. Phong Pham to translate and deliver words of thanks to the new deacon’s parents, who were viewing the video broadcast from Việt Nam. “Thank you so much for your son. You have done a fantastic job, which brings him here today,” said the bishop to Luke’s parents. “Thank you, thank you, thank you for your faith, for your love, and for your tremendous generosity.”
The new deacon also stepped forward to speak briefly at the conclusion of the celebration. “My life is full of grace, and today is the manifestation of His Grace. I want to thank God for the call to his service and love. Thank you God for always being present in my life, for the many blessings and walking with me,” said Luke.
He expressed his thanks to Bishop Mark Hagemoen, to his formators and the Benedictine community at Christ the King Seminary in Mission, B.C, and to Fr. Kevin McGee and the parishioners of St. Mary Parish, the priests and religious and all those who have supported and prayed for him in his formation. He also offered a message of thanksgiving in Vietnamese.
In closing, St. Mary pastor and diocesan Vicar General Fr. Kevin McGee said “It has been a real blessing for Luke to be with us.” Noting that St. Mary Parish is part of a community where so many are lost, homeless and struggling, McGee described how Luke provided outreach and welcome to those in need after the parish made the challenging decision to open its parish hall as an overnight warm-up shelter from December to April of this year.
“Luke would be out, looking for people, to invite them into the hall,” he said. “Bishop Mark, you have ordained someone who knows what it is to seek the lost.”
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Kiply Lukan Yaworski is the communications coordinator for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatono –