The Called and Gifted™ Discernment Process from the Catherine of Siena Institute is designed to help Christians discern the presence of charisms in their lives. For more information about the Called and Gifted program in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, contact Sr. Malou TIbayan at or (306) 659-5843 or see the pamphlet (PDF).
By Brenda Tryhuba of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
Praise God! The Holy Spirit blessed the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon with another Called and Gifted workshop, prompting 24 participants from various parishes to participate Feb. 2 and 3, hosted and organized by Our Lady of Lourdes Called and Gifted team.
What a pleasure and a blessing to support each other through this process and beyond.
Called and Gifted you say? What is that? The Called and Gifted workshop is a discernment process of our charisms, given to us at our baptism. Our charisms are for the sake of others, empowered by God to bring others to the kingdom of God, revealing Christ to others.
We are enabled, through our charisms to accomplish things for God with greater effectiveness and joy, than through our natural abilities.
Every person has charisms and special talents to share with others. The Called and Gifted workshop allows us to discover what our charism or charisms might be, and how we can use them with great effectiveness in our lives, at work, at home, for our Church and in our community.
As with any faith growth, discerning our charisms is lifelong. When we give of ourselves for the glory of God, we are a shining light for all to see.
This sums it up perfectly: “God has determined that I should reach that which will be my greatest happiness. He looks on me individually, He calls me by my name, He knows what I can do, what I can best be, what is my greatest happiness, and He means to give it to me.” (St. John Henry Newman, 1801-1890, cited in the resource guide for Called and Gifted.)
Related: Testimonies reflect the impact of the Called and Gifted discernment of spiritual gifts
Related: Called and Gifted presented at St Augustine Parish, Humboldt
“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire” – St. Catherine of Siena