By Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News
Saskatoon Bishop Mark Hagemoen joined residents and guests at St. Angela Merici Residence Jan. 27 to celebrate the memorial of the saint who founded the Ursuline order of consecrated religious women, and to dedicate a new mural highlighting the history and ministry of the Ursulines of Prelate.

Bishop Mark Hagemoen, Sr. Anne Lewans, OSU, and Fr. Ken Beck (l-r) at the St. Angela Merici Residence celebration Jan. 27. (Photo by Raissa Bugyi, Diocese of Saskatoon Catholic Foundation)
The feast day celebration at St. Angela Merici Residence began with Mass concelebrated by Bishop Hagemoen and Fr. Ken Beck.
Lector for the celebration of the Eucharist was Sr. Ludvina Scheck, OSU; cantor was Director of Spiritual Care and Mission Judy Gatin; with music ministry led by Sr. Teresita Kambeitz, OSU, and prayers of the faithful by Sr. Louisa Brost, OSU.
Following Mass, a mural describing the history and the ministry of the Ursulines of Prelate was dedicated.
The St. Angela Merici faith-based residence — established by the Ursulines in Saskatoon and now operated by Emmanuel Care — was named in honour of the saint who started the Company of St. Ursula in 1535, an order dedicated to education. The Ursulines of Prelate were established in St. Joseph’s Colony (now the western portion of the diocese of Saskatoon) more than 100 years ago, beginning with three sisters from Germany – Mother Clementia Graffelder, Mother Luitgardis Kratochwill, and Sister Thekla Bonus, who came to establish schools at the invitation of Fr. Joseph Riedinger, OMI.
During the dedication celebration on the Feast of St. Angela, Sr. Anne Lewans, OSU, provided an overview of St. Angela Merici Residence and the mural project.

Bishop Mark Hagemoen and Sr. Anne Lewans, OSU, of the Ursulines of Prelate at a dedication for a new “Educating For Life” mural about the history and ministry of the Ursulines of Prelate, which was held Jan. 27 on the memorial of St. Angela Merici, founder of the Ursuline order. (Photo by Raisa Bugyi, Diocese of Saskatoon Catholic Foundation)
“This personal care home was originally built in 1986 as a retirement home for the Ursuline Sisters. It was named after our foundress, St. Angela Merici,” said Lewans. “Over the years since then, there have been many changes and some significant transformations.”
She noted that in 1986, when this residence was opened, the Sisters in residence were still quite active, with some still engaged in volunteer ministry in the community. “As years passed the needs of the resident Sisters were changing…until in 2000 we hired the first care aides. Gradually, more lay staff were added in all departments – care of the Sisters, food services, maintenance and management.”
In 2017, a Personal Care Home license was granted for the facility to operate according to Saskatchewan Health Authority Policies, and receive residents other than Ursuline Sisters. “Two years later, in 2019, we acted on a decision our community had made in 2015 to transfer ownership and management of St. Angela Merici Residence to Emmanuel Care – the Catholic Health Corporation of Saskatchewan. This transfer was celebrated Jan. 6, 2020 – just before the pandemic was declared.”
As part of the transfer of ownership, the Ursulines of Prelate began the process of finding homes for museum artifacts located in a Heritage Room in the building. “It was decided to dismantle the Heritage Room and donate its contents to schools, parishes and organizations that would use them to continue our mission of ‘Educating for Life.’ This was a major task, and was completed just a few months ago,” said Lewans.
“In order to preserve our story and some of the more valuable artifacts of the Ursuline Sisters, we asked and received permission from Anne Miller, Executive Director of St. Angela Merici Residence, to create the display you see before you,” she explained, noting the “time, effort and love” that the leadership team put into planning the display.
“The mural is a brief history of our Ursuline Congregation, and the cabinet of artifacts contains tangible items that illustrate part of that history” she said. “It certainly is appropriate for us to dedicate it today on the feast of St. Angel Merici who is both the foundress of the Ursuline Order and also the patron saint of this residence.
Lewans also acknowledged the work of professional designer Deanna Miller who helped the OSU leadership team design the mural. “Thank you very much Deanna; we could not have done this without you! I also acknowledge the practical work of 77 Signs, the company that printed and installed the mural and did the necessary carpentry work.”
RELATED: Ursulines of Prelate celebrate their centennial in 2019 – ARTICLE
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