Christmas event held for seniors

Members of the organizing committee, who worked on the Christmas event for seniors held Dec. 2 in Saskatoon. (Photo by Jon Perez, Catholic Saskatoon News)

Some of the seniors who participated in the lunch party posed for a group photo. (Photo by Jon Perez, Catholic Saskatoon News)

By Jonathan Perez

The Saskatoon Philippine Senior Citizens Foundation Inc. (SPSCF) treated members and other seniors and their families to an early Christmas celebration Dec. 2 at St. Joseph Parish Hall in Saskatoon.

The San Lorenzo Ruiz Council (Saskatoon Council 11429) of the Saskatchewan Knights of Columbus co-organized the event with SPSCF.

SPSCF president and K of C member Albert Balmeo said this was the first time they  have organized the seniors’ Christmas party, along with support from 13 sponsors.

“I am thankful for being part of this as we celebrate the spirit of Christmas, which is filled with joy and love,” said Balmeo.“I thank all sponsors who did not hesitate to give financial or in-kind support for us to hold this special event for our senior citizens.”

He added Christmas has always been a symbol of love, love that we show and give to our brothers and sisters like what God showed by sending His only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Senior citizens enjoyed playing games and anxiously waited to see if their number would be called for various prizes like gift cards, cash, sacks of rice, and grocery items.

Balmeo said SPSCF has other programs and projects planned for senior citizens, noting that announcements will be posted on the group’s Facebook page (LINK).

The venue was packed with senior citizens with their families and friends. (Photo by Jon Perez, Catholic Saskatoon News)

Volunteers assisted in setting up the venue. (Photo by Jon Perez, Catholic Saskatoon News)

St. Joseph Parish Pastor Fr. Hoang Nguyen leads everyone to the prayer before the meal. (Photo by Jon Perez, Catholic Saskatoon News)

Various raffle prizes like gift cards, cash, grocery items and sacks of rice were given away. (Photo by Jon Perez, Catholic Saskatoon News)

Luis and Nenita Esgasane, second and third from the  left, were named the 2023 Mr. and Mrs. SPSCF. (Photo by Jon Perez, Catholic Saskatoon News)

Saskatoon Philippine Senior Citizens Foundation Inc. President Albert Balmeo, fifth from the left, joins some of the event sponsors. (Photo by Jon Perez, Catholic Saskatoon News)



Jonathan Perez is a parishioner at the Cathedral of the Holy Family in Saskatoon.