Zoom discussion about Catholic Health looks at reasons for hope

By Peter Oliver, Catholic Health Association of Saskatchewan

Archbishop Donald Bolen of Regina recently moderated a Zoom discussion that featured presentation by John Ruetz, CEO of the Catholic Health Alliance of Canada, Corey Miller CEO of Emmanuel Health Saskatchewan, Patrick Dumelie Covenant Health, Covenant Care and Covenant Living in Alberta, Jean Morison, retiring CEO of Emmanuel Health.

The Zoom event June 7, 2023 involved leadership from 14 locations across Saskatchewan and Canada and included personnel from three diocese, 16 Catholic Health Care facilities, the CWL, Knights of Columbus, Queen’s House of Retreats, St. Thomas More College, two Catholic Health associations and the Redemptorists.

To set the stage for the conversation the Zoom participants were asked to respond to a “first impresions” poll, asking about their confidence in the Catholic Church over the last five years (25 per cent said their confidence has increased, 35 per cent said it has decreased, and 40 per cent said it has stayed steady). Participants were also asked to give their opinion about the relationship between Catholic health and the Catholic community: nine per cent said they thought the relationship was growing stronger, 30 per cent said they thought it was quite strong, 56 per cent thought it was “struggling,” and five percent that it was “quite weak.”

Presentes were asked to address the following: “Catholic Health’s mission and identity are intimately connected to the healing ministry of Jesus Christ as expressed through the witness, pastoral care, teachings, and tradition of the Catholic Church.  In Canada and around the world, the pandemic, news reports about sexual abuse and harms done by residential schools have led to a loss of trust, public scrutiny, and disengagement from the Church. Stories drawn from our life experience often help us to make sense of these kinds of challenges. Drawing from your experience, tell a story that communicates your reason for hope as we address these difficulties.”

The presenters spoke of the importance of rebuilding trust and being the authors of our own narrative.

They also highlighted the need to identify and respond to unmet needs in our communities.

Clear evidence of renewed vision was presented in new partnerships that are developing with Indigenous peoples and in strategic planning that is responding to hospice care, mental health initiatives and housing.  The presenters also called attention to the importance of a non-judgemental stance in the provision of health care as well as the need to work in partnership the Catholic Community.

The impact of the presentation and the discussion that followed can be seen in a final poll that asked how participants felt leaving the Zoom conversation – 85 per cent indicated the Zoom left them feeling either encouraged (77%) blessed (5%) or intrigued (8%), and no one indicating they felt disappointed.

