Quilts from Fox Valley CWL delivered to helping agencies

Quits from the Catholic Women's League at St. Mary Parish, Fox Valley, SK, were recently delivered to Ronald McDonald House in Saskatoon, and a number of other helping agencies. (Photos courtesy of Kendra Volk)

(Editor’s note: Kendra and Andy Volk of Fox Valley, recently dropped off quilts on behalf of the local Catholic Women’s League (CWL) council at a few places in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon.)


By Kendra Volk, St. Mary Parish CWL, Fox Valley

How blessed and proud I felt (yes, with some tears too), as Andy and I dropped off baby quilts and afghans made by our St. Mary Parish CWL, Fox Valley and our local ladies.

Donations went to:

How excited they were receiving these gifts and how honoured I was being able to drop them off in person. God is good.