Installation of pastors across diocese continues – bishop celebrates optional liturgy

Fr. Benjamin Ezekwudo was officially installed as pastor of the parishes in Cudworth, St. Benedict and Middle Lake March 13, 2022 by Bishop Mark Hagemoen. (Photos by Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News)

By Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News

Bishop Mark Hagemoen is once again visiting a number of parishes with newly-assigned priests, to celebrate Eucharist and to pray an optional liturgy for the installation of a pastor.

The installation prayers are a chance to reflect prayerfully on the role of the pastor, highlighting the priest’s sacramental ministry through a series of prayers at different spots throughout the church building: the altar, the ambo, the tabernacle, the baptismal font, the entrance of the church, etc.

The latest celebrations were held at Holy Spirit Parish in Saskatoon, where Fr. Joseph Salihu was officially installed as pastor March 20 — he was appointed to the parish in the summer of 2021 after serving for several years at St. Augustine Parish in Saskatoon (see gallery of photos and live-stream link, below).

Fr. Benjamin Ezekwudo, who recently arrived in the diocese, was officially installed March 13 as pastor of St. Michael Parish, Cudworth, SK, as well as St. Benedict Parish, St. Benedict, SK, and Canadian Martyrs Parish in Middle Lake, SK (see gallery of photos and live-stream link, below).

“This isn’t a required ritual, but it is something that is an option, and we have chosen to do that because of its simple but rich symbolism about the relationship of the pastor — the priest — with the people of God,” explains Bishop Hagemoen.


Fr. Joseph Salihu – March 20, 2022 at Holy Spirit Parish, Saskatoon


Fr. Benjamin Ezekwudo – March 13, 2022 at St. Michael Parish, Cudworth



Fr. Darryl Millette – March 6, 2022 at St. Augustine Parish, Saskatoon

Live-stream video of March 6, 2022 Mass (archived) – LINK



Fr. Kevin McGee – Feb. 13, 2022 at St. Mary Parish, Saskatoon


