By Mary Jane Morrison, Davidson Pastoral Region
As secretary for the Davidson Pastoral Region which includes the parishes of Davidson, Elbow, Kenaston and Outlook, I share the information on the important work of Development and Peace / Caritas Canada (D & P) in our bulletins.
Campaign material is distributed to each parish during Share Lent and throughout the year. In our small rural parishes, social justice representatives promote the work of D & P, but sometimes we do not have enough people on parish councils to fill these positions.
I have let my name stand as a contact for our deanery so as to keep D & P awareness present in the Pastoral Region.
Parishioners are generally gracious in their support of petitions against the injustices highlighted by D & P and they financially support collections as they can.
Greater awareness and involvement are definitely needed. Our world is connected today more than ever before with social media and education. We cannot ignore the injustices to our sisters and brothers wherever they are in the world. They need us – we must advocate for them to live with human dignity. And, we need them – by helping the most vulnerable, we can carry out God’s mission to love our neighbour as He loves us.
Motivated by Catholic teachings and the Gospel, Development and Peace / Caritas Canada has been active since 1967. Let us continue to work toward justice for all human beings on this beautiful home God gave to all of us. Every little action we can offer is worth it.
Other reflections on the “Why” of Development and Peace:
Share Lent 2022 – Development and Peace / Caritas Canada’s People and Planet First campaign invites us to support our sisters and brothers in the Global South in defending their rights and the planet:
- Donate online at or during the Solidarity Sunday collection on April 3, the Fifth Sunday of Lent. Your generosity helps support over 85 projects in 27 countries around the world.
- Learn more by reading the Share Lent mini-magazine and other resources available at
- Sign the petition for strong laws to control Canadian corporations’ behaviour abroad at