Reflections about Development and Peace / Caritas Canada – St. Augustine Parish, Humboldt Deanery

Solidarity Sunday collections will be held in parishes across the country on the Fifth Sunday of Lent - April 2-3, 2022.

By Melanie Zimmerman, St. Augustine Parish, Humboldt

Catholic Social Teaching calls us not only to serve those in need, but also to change the structures that deny people their rights and dignity.

While the immense scope and complexity of the social justice issues facing our modern world can feel overwhelming, there is much we can do to affect positive and lasting social change.

Development and Peace – Caritas Canada’s education and action campaigns help to raise awareness about the realities of the social justice issues facing our most vulnerable brothers and sisters in the Global South, giving us an opportunity to make connections with how our faith calls us to live, examine our own complicity and learn practical ways to become agents of change.

Through prayer, learning and action, we come alive with the desire to love as true disciples of a living Christ who, through us, is still active today in shaping and healing our world.

Share Lent 2022 – Development and Peace / Caritas Canada’s People and Planet First campaign invites us to support our sisters and brothers in the Global South in defending their rights and the planet:

    • Donate online at or during the Solidarity Sunday collection on April 3, the fifth Sunday of Lent. Your generosity helps support over 85 projects in 27 countries around the world.
    • Learn more by reading the Share Lent mini-magazine and other resources available at
    • Sign the petition for strong laws to control Canadian corporations’ behaviour abroad at
