100 Words – Baptism of the Lord: “Essential Ingredient”

By Peter Oliver, Olive Branch Marriage and Family Ministry

“You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” (Mark 1:11)

We are made for love.  Every aspect of our humanity – our bodies, our hearts, our brains, our souls – everything about us, is designed for love. Without love we wither and die.  That’s not an exaggeration.

We require committed, I-will-love-you-forever, relationships with friends, parents, spouses, and kin. It’s essential for life.

But there’s a dilemma: human love is incomplete (sometimes downright destructive) and God’s love is largely communicated through incomplete people.

What’s the answer? There isn’t one – not a made of words answer. But there’s a response. Hold this close to your heart: “I’m beloved just as Jesus is beloved.”


Information about weekly program beginning Jan. 13:  RESTART – Building Separation and Divorce Resilience

[This is a weekly blog re-published from www.olivebranchministry.ca with permission from author Peter Oliver. Each post is exactly 100 words.]