100 Words – First Sunday of Advent 2020: “Keep Watch”

(Myriams Fotos / Pixabay)

By Peter Oliver, Olive Branch Marriage and Family Ministry

Beware, keep alert; for you do not know when the time will come. (Mk 13:33)

The lens through which we see the world makes all the difference.

The gospel for the First Sunday of Advent invites us to vigilance. The question is, where are we invited to direct this heightened attention?

Those of us who have experienced significant upheavals in our family life will know these hurts can trigger a kind of vigilance described as a survival instinct – always alert to the possibility of a catastrophe.

The vigilance called for by the gospel is the opposite of this tendency.  We are asked to assume a posture of joyful waiting, of faithful confidence in the Lord.


[This is a weekly blog re-published from www.olivebranchministry.ca with permission from author Peter Oliver. Each post is exactly 100 words.]