By Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News
In these ongoing days of the COVID-19 pandemic, E.D. Feehan Catholic High School is creatively finding ways to stay connected to priest-chaplain Fr. Mick Fleming, CSsR, pastor of St. Mary Parish, Saskatoon, as one part of spiritual care provided to students.
“To reduce the spread of the coronavirus, we are restricting the number of people that come into our building, and unfortunately that includes Fr. Mick, who continues to serve his parish of St. Mary’s at the age of 71,” reports lay Teacher-Chaplain Ryan LeBlanc.
LeBlanc recently shared with the school community that “Father Mick continues to pray for all of us every single day, and his generous, adaptable spirit even managed to visit us outside.”
The Redemptorist priest celebrated Mass Sept. 15 and Sept. 22 in the school football field: “On each day, one class cohort gathered in the cool, windy air with him,” says LeBlanc.
Now that the weather is colder, however, liturgies are now being celebrated in the school’s newly-renovated chapel, with permission to distribute communion following sanitization policies set by the diocese in accordance with provincial health guidelines.
“Some families might continue to be unable to attend Mass at their parish, and so this is an opportunity for Catholic students to receive Communion if they wish,” notes LeBlanc.