Explosions in Lebanon: Development and Peace – Caritas Canada accepting donations to support hardest hit populations

By Development and Peace staff

Development and Peace / Caritas Canada recently conveyed solidarity with the Lebanese people and with all of its partners in Lebanon, after the tragic explosions that shook the capital of Beirut, Lebanon, on August 4, 2020.

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the people affected by this disaster and those who have lost loved ones,” says a statement on the Development and Peace website. 

Since the explosions, Lebanon has been plunged Lebanon into a state of catastrophe which calls for our solidarity. This is yet another trial for a people already struggling with an unprecedented economic, social and political crisis threatening the food and social security of its people. This event comes at a time when hospitals, already short of resources, were trying to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Through its membership in the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, Development and Peace will be participating in the Humanitarian Coalition appeal to support people of Lebanon through this crisis. The government of Canada will match every dollar donated by individuals to the Humanitarian Coalition and its members between August 4 and August 24, up to a maximum of $2 million. Donations to Development and Peace marked for the Beirut explosion emergency response will be matched.  Online Donations: LINK

Urgent needs

The shock wave was immense, and the needs of local communities are growing.

Development and Peace’s partners on the ground are already working to assess the situation and help those impacted by this disaster. Affected communities will need food, clean water, health care and shelter. The explosions destroyed a large proportion of the seed stored in the port, leading to fears of increased food insecurity in a context that was already greatly unstable due to the crisis.

“The disaster is unimaginable. We are facing a real human and humanitarian disaster. The whole Adyan team is doing well. We are now organising ourselves to help.” – Fadi Daou, President and CEO of Adyan, a Development and Peace partner.

Development and Peace partners quickly mobilizing 

Development and Peace partners in Lebanon need help to reach as many people as possible. For this country already struggling with COVID-19 and economic collapse, each donation makes a difference.

“It is a terrible and disastrous situation and today we live in a total confusion. The situation is critical. It is apocalyptic, but we don’t stop and we will carry on in order to help all those in difficulty. The wounded are received in our primary care centres which are overwhelmed, the hospitals are incredibly crowded. They lack everything, including food to support the affected population.”  – Rita Rhayem, Director of Caritas Lebanon, a Development and Peace partner.

Following the explosions, Caritas Lebanon staff immediately acted to assist survivors of the explosion. Young volunteers are mobilized and go in search of the wounded. The Caritas confederation is launching an emergency plan coordinated by the Caritas Internationalis General Secretariat to provide immediate assistance to the victims.

Read more about Caritas Internationalis response: LINK

How can Canadians help? 

Canadians can help by contributing to the Development and Peace “Emergency Fund – Crisis in Lebanon” to support the people hardest hit by this disaster: DONATE ONLINE.

Through its membership in the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, Development and Peace will be participating in the Humanitarian Coalition appeal to support people of Lebanon through this crisis.

The government of Canada will match every dollar donated by individuals to the Humanitarian Coalition and its members between August 4 and August 24, up to a maximum of $2 million. Donations to Development and Peace marked for the Beirut explosion emergency response will be matched.
