By Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News
Priests from across the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon gathered March 3 and 4 at the Cathedral of the Holy Family for days of study and prayer.
The “Clergy Study Day” March 3 and the “Clergy Day of Recollection” March 4 were an opportunity for priests and deacons to receive information about a number of issues and initiatives, as well as to spend time in prayer and reflection together, focused on their vocation.
Topics during the Clergy Study Day included priestly renewal and support, including theology and support tools, liturgical themes and practice, marriage and funeral rites, the theology and practice of collaboration and mission, and updates about safeguarding from abuse, as well as information about “Pentecost 2020” — an upcoming ecumenical gathering of Christians to be held at Sasktel Centre on the afternoon of Sunday, May 31.
During celebration of Mass during the two-day gathering of priests, the life and ministry of Bishop James Mahoney was remembered, marking the recent 25th anniversary of the long-time bishop’s death on March 2, 1995.
The Day of Recollection for clergy was initiated last year at the request of Pope Francis. It again included reflections led by local priests about past Chrism Mass homilies by Saint Pope John Paul II, by Pope Benedict, and by Pope Francis, as well as time for quiet prayer and Eucharistic Adoration.