The Rite of Election: another step on the journey to baptism for 47 catechumens from across the diocese of Saskatoon

The Rite of Election was celebrated March 1, 2020 at the Cathedral of the Holy Family in Saskatoon. (Photo by Tim Yaworski)

By Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News

At the diocesan Rite of Election March 1, 2020, Bishop Mark Hagemoen welcomed and blessed 47 catechumens from across the diocese who are journeying toward the initiation sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist.

Affirmed by their parishes and by their sponsors, the catechumens wrote their names in the Book of the Elect, and entered another stage of the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). The newly-elect now begin a season of purification and enlighten during Lent, before celebrating the sacraments at Easter.

Bishop Hagemoen also welcomed and blessed 21 candidates — already baptized Christians who are preparing to be received into the Catholic Church.

The Rite of Election included celebration of Sunday Eucharist for the First Sunday of Lent. In attendance were a number of priests from parishes that are preparing catechumens and candidates to receive sacraments at Easter.