[Photos by Teresa Bodnar-Hiebert]
The annual convention of the Catholic Health Association of Saskatchewan (CHAS) was held Oct. 24-25 in Prince Albert, exploring the theme “Mission is Possible – The Journey of Grace-Filled Compassion.”
The two-day convention included an Annual General Meeting, opportunities for networking, and a banquet and awards ceremony, as well as celebration of the Eucharist and a blessing of leaders to conclude the gathering.

Bishop Mark Hagemoen of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, Bishop Bryan Bayda of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon, and Bishop Albert Thévenot of the Diocese of Prince Albert (l-r) attended the annual convention Oct. 24-25 in Prince Albert. (Photos by Teresa Bodnar-Hiebert)
The first convention speaker was Dr. Shane Sinclair who presented “Compassion is in the Eye of the Beholder,” weaving together the voice of patients and healthcare providers He also presented “Don’t Believe Everything You See – Challenges to Compassion,” providing distinctions between routine care, sympathy and empathy.
Sinclair is an Associate Professor and Cancer Care Research Professor with the University of Calgary, Faculty of Nursing and an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Oncology, Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary. His research focuses on psychosocial and spiritual issues within oncology and palliative care, including his nationally funded program of research on compassion—with his recent study on Sympathy, Empathy and Compassion being awarded ‘Paper of the Year,’ by Palliative Medicine a premiere palliative care journal.
Dr. Debra Parker-Oliver, a nationally-known researcher on hospice caregiving, and a professor at the University of Missouri, spoke about her personal journey facing her husband’s illness and death. Emerging from the experience of his diagnosis, cancer treatment, death and dying, they pursued a mission to educate others about the ups and downs of facing and encountering death. In the process of creating 28 YouTube videos they learned to find hope and conquer fear.
Daniel Lussier, CEO of the Catholic Health Corporation of Manitoba (CHCM) spoke about that organization’s Compassionate Project, launched over 10 years ago. With the Compassion Project, CHCM supports people in their journey toward a deeper sense of purpose, offering several initiatives that encourage spiritual and communal well-being.
Leah Perrault, author, speaker and Director of Mission at St. Paul’s Hospital in Saskatoon, was the final inspirational speaker for the annual convention speaking on “Mission in the Middle of the Mess.”
More photos:
Video coverage of closing celebration of Mass at CHAS Convention:
Closing Mass & Leaders’ Blessing at the 76th Annual Catholic Health Association of Saskatchewan Convention, ‘Mission is Possible’ – Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Celebrant & Homilist Bishop Albert Thevenot, Bishop Mark Hagemoen & Bishop Bryan Bayda & other clergy.#missionispossible #passiontoheal #catholichealthcare #catholichealthassociationofsaskatchewan #compassion #servantleadership #dioceseofsaskatoon #eparchyofsaskatoon #dioceseofprincealbert #archdioceseofregina
Posted by Eparchy of Saskatoon on Friday, October 25, 2019