Addressing the themes, messages and challenges of Pope Francis’ post-Synod Apostolic Exhortation – “Christus Vivit” (Christ is Alive)
Bishop Mark Hagemoen of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon recently sat down with four young adults to discus Christus Vivit – Pope Francis’ message to youth, which came out of the “Synod on Young People, Faith and Vocational Discernment” held in October 2018.
Full video:
Pope Francis writes: “I have let myself be inspired by the wealth of reflections and conversations that emerged from last year’s Synod. I cannot include all those contributions here, but you can read them in the Final Document. In writing this letter, though, I have attempted to summarize those proposals I considered most significant. In this way, my words will echo the myriad voices of believers the world over who made their opinions known to the Synod. Those young people who are not believers, yet wished to share their thoughts, also raised issues that led me to ask new questions.” (Christus Vivit #4)
Participants in the video conversation with Bishop Hagemoen are:
- Kaitlyn Deck of St. Peter Parish, Unity, SK, who recently started as an aspirant in an order of religious women in Ottawa;
- Jerome Montpetit of St. Bruno Parish, Bruno, SK, who this fall enrolled in the faith formation program at St. Therese Institute of Faith and Mission;
- Catherine Renneberg, Youth Ministry Coordinator at the Cathedral of the Holy Family, Saskatoon;
- Clark Jaman, Coordinator of Evangelization and Adult Faith Formation at St. Anne ParishSt. Anne Parish, Saskatoon.
Video Excerpts:
To assist in viewing and in using the video for discussion of “Christus Vivit,” Bishop Hagemoen’s conversation with four young adults is also available in nine short sections (click on title):
Part 1 – Introduction / General Impressions of “Christus Vivit” (6:30)
Part 2 – Characteristics of the Young / Respect for Elders (5:57)
Part 3 – Priorities and Hope / The Saints (9:06)
Part 4 – Synodality and its Meaning for Youth Ministry (7:14)
Part 5 – The Sexual Abuse Crisis (7:57)
Part 6 – Section 143 – “Live!” / Human Sexuality (4:43)
Part 7 – Youth Ministry and “Christus Vivit” (9:22)
Part 8 – Vocation and Discernment and “Christus Vivit” (8:07)