Exploring all aspects of Christian stewardship at WCCSC 2019

By Kiply Lukan Yaworski

[Catholic Saskatoon News] – Delegates from across western Canada and beyond explored the meaning and call to Christian stewardship during a June 6-8 conference in Saskatoon.

The Western Canadian Catholic Stewardship Conference (WCCSC) included plenary speaker Cardinal Thomas Collins of the Archdiocese of Toronto, and a dozen other speakers providing insights into stewardship, development and communication.

The conference began June 6 at the Cathedral of the Holy Family with sessions for clergy and those involved in diocesan annual appeals, followed June 7 and 8 with conference sessions at the Sheraton Cavalier in downtown Saskatoon.

Opportunities to celebrate the Eucharist, a reception, cathedral tours, time for networking and for viewing displays and resources were also part of the regional conference, which is held every two years.

Hosted this year by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon and the Diocese of Saskatoon Catholic Foundation, WCCSC included an opening Mass with Cardinal Collins June 6. The Cardinal also gave the opening keynote at the conference June 7.

“We are to be good stewards of God’s very gifts,” said Cardinal Collins, citing 1Peter, Chapter 4.

“That is a message that is very profoundly at the heart of who we are as Christians, to be good stewards of the gifts of God. We don’t own anything: we don’t own our life; we don’t own time, talents, or treasure. It is all entrusted to us by the Lord. That is why we have to have this sense, this profound disposition, of thankfulness to the Lord for what he has given to us, and generosity in sharing with others what we have received, and a willingness to develop it – to invest our lives in good stewardship and care for the gifts we have received, and with an awareness as well of accountability,” he said.

“If we all recognize joyfully the gifts of other people and then we share our own with them, then the whole community rises up and we are a family.”

After the opening plenary, the conference continued with breakout sessions in three tracks: Development, Stewardship, and Communication.

On June 7, Cardinal Collins also presided at daily Mass at St. Paul Co-Cathedral with Rector/Pastor Fr. Stefano Penna. The conference continued Saturday, June 8, concluding with Mass at 4:30 p.m. at St. Paul Co-Cathedral with Bishop Mark Hagemoen presiding.

WCCSC concurrent sessions:

Friday, June 7:

  • “Key Components to Becoming Campaign-Ready” – Don Gorsalitz, of DCG Philanthropic Services, Inc.
  • “Everyday Stewardship in Everyday Language for Everyday People”” – Tracy Earl Welliver of the Catholic Stewardship Council Board of Directors
  • “Millennials & Stewardship: What Does It Take?” – Emilie Callan, producer and ambassador for Salt+Light Catholic Media Foundation and a Canadian youth delegate to the Synod of Bishops in October 2018
  • “Are Your Affairs in Order? A Catholic Approach to Your Legacy” – Jocelyne Hamoline, Stewardship and Gift Development Officer for the Diocese of Saskatoon Catholic Foundation
  • “Leadership is Our First Stewardship” – Brett Powell, Archbishop’s Delegate of Development and Ministries for the Archdiocese of Vancouver
  • “There’s A Story in Here Somewhere: Why Isn’t Anyone Listening?” with Debra Pozega Osburn, vice-president, University Relations at the University of Saskatchewan.
  • “A Match Made in Heaven: Legacy Gifts and Your Parish” – Ann Brookes, international fund-raiser
  • “Forming Business Leaders for Stewardship” – Fr. Stefano Penna, Pastor and Rector, St. Paul’s Co-Cathedral, Saskatoon
  • “In the Line of Fire: Best Practices in Crisis Communication” – Jason Aebig, Creative Fire, Saskatoon
  • “The Spirituality of the Sunday Offering” – Fr. Darrin Gurr of the Archdiocese of Winnipeg
  • “Addressing the Elephant In The Room (parish viability)” – Bishop Bryan Bayda of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon
  • “The Four C’s Of Effective Parish Communications (constant, consistent, concrete and creative)” – Tracy Earl Welliver, a member of the International Catholic Stewardship Council Board of Directors.

Saturday, June 8:

  • “Diocesan Benchmarking Analysis Q&A” – John Rogers of Prenger Solutions Groups
  • “Stewarding Our Family” – Colm and Sharon Leyne of St. Anne Parish, Saskatoon
  • Panel: “Key Learnings Regarding Fundraising & Stewardship” – Bishop Mark Hagemoen with panelists Liz Baile,  Stewardship Coordinator, Mackenzie-Fort Smith Diocese; Fr. Matthew Ramsay, Pastor, St. Anne Parish, Saskatoon; Fr. Peter Ebidero, Pastor, Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Martensville and St. Mark Parish, Langham
  • Roundtable: “Challenges of Diocesan Fundraisers” – Connie Lunde, Archdiocese of Edmonton
  • “The ‘Why’ of a Stewardship Way of Life” – Tracy Earl Welliver, a member of the International Catholic Stewardship Council Board of Directors
  • “Beyond The Bulletin: Strategic Communications Vehicles” – Jacquie Berg, Communications, Marketing and Student Recruitment, St. Thomas More College, Saskatoon
  • “Capital Campaigns: Implementing Campaign Strategy” – Don Gorsalitz, DCG Philanthropic Services
  • “The Way, How, and When” – Jocelyne Hamoline, Stewardship and Gift Development Officer for the Diocese of Saskatoon Catholic Foundation
  • “Digital Communication and Stewardship For Parishes” – John Rogers of Prenger Solutions Groups

The WCCSC gathering concluded with a Plenary Session featuring Dan Potvin of the Archdiocese of Winnipeg and Vigil of Pentecost Mass celebrated by Bishop Mark Hagemoen at 4:30 p.m. at St. Paul Co-Cathedral.