In communion with the Holy Father, the Bishops of Canada support the sanctity of life
The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), in profound unison with Pope Francis, affirms that all human life should be respected and protected from the moment of conception until natural death.
The Bishops of Canada have and will continue to advocate and collaborate with organizations across the country, many of which are not Catholic, in endeavours to bring together people from different perspectives who believe in the sanctity of life.
Events such as the annual and regional Marches for Life are meaningful opportunities to unite thousands of people speaking with one voice to proclaim the dignity of all human life.
In full communion with the Holy Father, Catholic Bishops and all faithful are united in declaring, as the Church has believed since its beginning, that the “distinctiveness of human life is an absolute good,” and that “abortion and euthanasia [are] extremely grave evils that contradict the Spirit of life and plunge us into the anti-culture of death.”
Likewise, Pope Francis has recently observed that the “threshold of basic respect for human life is being crossed, and brutally at that, not only by instances of individual conduct but also by the effects of societal choices and structures” (15 January 2019 letter from Pope Francis to the President of the Pontifical Academy for Life).
Today, the Bishops join their prayers with all those who stand up for life.
Message from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops for the 2019 National March for Life
PDF of CCCB Statement
(English): Message – Marche pour la vie 2019 March for Life – EN
(French): Message – Marche pour la vie 2019 March for Life – FR